Friday, July 19, 2013

Twin Fawns

Again not a first, but we were privileged to see twin fawns (still sporting spots) walking through the horse pasture. We didn't see the mother, but I'm guessing she was waiting just a bit ahead and out of sight for us.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

A Lifetime First

We went for a family walk today. DH spotted this on the way home when looking for our youngest son (who had run all the way back to the house and was fine).

It's a baby deer. We were so close. DD3 wanted to touch it! (I said no, since it was wild.) I've seen many deer, even fawns. But never, ever so close. And never, ever one so young. I mean, I think I could have touched it. I got close enough for the picture, and I could see it's nose moving. I didn't want to stress it more so we left. But the fawn never moved a muscle. We use the word "awesome" all the time, but this really was an awe-inspiring, awesome sight. Something so small and helpless, yet safe - safe by design, by its nature.

I wonder if it was there as we walked out? I'm sure it was. It was hidden off the main (and less used this year) trail, only thirty feet or so from the neighbor's driveway.

Isn't it amazing how some things can turn the world over?

Friday, June 7, 2013

First Garter Snake

We were walking to the river and I just caught a glimpse of him slithering around one of the huge rocks marking the parking lot. He kept going around the rock, but we were pleasantly surprised when he didn't go under the rock, but along beside it.

So we picked it up. I forgot how strong they are. I'm guessing he was 15-18 inches long, it was hard to tell since he wouldn't straighten out, but he was a decent size for a garter snake. We've seen the snakes a few times in the woods around the river, but never caught one before. Pretty cool! And to think I almost decided not to go for a walk!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

First Salamander

Yes - a salamander. How cool! We were moving some boards and he was sitting there, between two of them. He was really cool to the touch, after everyone got to see him we put him under the willow tree (away from the chickens).

And yes, I have pictures. But they are on DH's phone, and didn't make it to my email. So I'll hopefully be able to get them and update this post!

We have the picture!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

First Frogs

Of course, sometimes I think it's a first just because we were in the right place and looking. We went on a nature walk for David's 4-H project, and found several swimming in a large puddle on the trail. We didn't see any tadpoles / eggs, sadly. (I'd love to raise some tadpoles.)

Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Eagle Returns

I took a walk today with the dogs after the kids were settled in. We walked all around the pond and saw the eagle several times. I kept thinking of Tennyson's poem, which I would post other than I am on my tablet. But it made my heart glad to see the eagle. I've missed him.

posted from Bloggeroid

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

First Woodpeckers - March 19

We saw not one, but two woodpeckers. They were in a pair of trees just past the horses' fence, one one each tree. On one it was easy to see his bright, red head. The other stayed shaded, but we could hear them both drumming away. I wish they had been lower to the ground so that we could have seen the holes they left.

Two semi-related notes: the chickadees are loving the birdfeeder, and I love the chickadees, so we are both happy. And we are going on vacation, so there won't be any more Montana firsts for awhile.